Sunday, 31 July 2011

Improve Your Love Relationships

What YOU can do to improve your relationships.

* Talk with your partner openly and honestly.
* Don't sacrifice yourself for the relationship.
* Take responsibility for your feelings.
* Know you can only change yourself.
* Be yourself always.
* Know your intentions behind your words.
* Communicate your wants and needs to your partner.
* Accept them as they are.
* Let go of absolute value judgments.
* Drop your expectations of how they "should" be.
* Listen with your whole body, mind and soul.
* Express your appreciation and gratitude openly and often.
* Examine your beliefs about love relationships.
* Use humor to defuse difficult situations.
* Examine your desire to control your partner.
* Have a dialogue about your beliefs.

"Honesty can be scary but it's necessary if you want a close intimate relationship."

Sunday, 24 July 2011

Get Back Your Lost Love - 7 Golden Keys

Here are 7 Golden Keys for getting your love back.

1. Stop the Fighting: The first step to rekindling your lost love is to stop fighting and the recriminations. Screaming, yelling, or even harsh talk will never help the situation. Rather, you need to establish a base foundation of respect and civility every time you interact with him or her.

2. Stop Second-Guessing Your Partner: At core, every person is a mystery enshrouded in an enigma. You need to stop asking friends, family, and your hairdresser about why your partner is acting the way they have been acting. It is almost surely not the case that having "just one more clue" will open the magic door to finding out the causes for your misery.

3. Soften Your Heart: If your partner has hurt you so deeply that you cannot recover - such as through abuse or repeated infidelity - you may not be able to trust them again and your heart may never really be open to them again. For everyone else. you need to work to soften your heart. Open yourself up to the possibility of change.

4. Bring the Focus Back to You: Since your relationship started fading or since it ended, you have likely been spending a lot of time thinking about what your partner is doing wrong or wondering what is going on. If you want to make the relationship work again, you need to start at square one: with yourself. What are your needs? How have you been acting in the context of your relationship?

5. Do Not Ask Your Partner for Reasons: Your relationship is not a court case or detective mystery, and knowing all of the "facts" and "reasons" will not win your love back. Trust is, even your partner may not know his or her own motivations for doing what they have been doing. Most of us make decisions of the heart without using our heads, so engaging your partner's reasoning mind is not the best strategy to win him or her back.

6. Find Out What Everyone Really Wants: To be successful in your relationship, you need to shift the focus from your partner to human nature. There are certain think that everyone really wants from a relationship. Once you find out what those things are and can offer them to your partner, your partner will amazingly reciprocate by responding to your needs.

7. Learn to Diffuse Your Own Destructive Patters: Before you re enter into your relationship, it is essential that you do some soul searching about any patterns of behaviour you may be exhibiting that are contributing to your relationship woes. Chances are, if you enter a completely new relationship you same past patters will resurface.

Getting back your love could be just what you need for a more fulfilling life. Sometimes, past relationships or fading current relationships can be saved and can even become better than they were before. The Golden Keys to winning back that past love involve moving beyond blame and rationality and and instead grasping what really makes the human heart tick. 

Sunday, 10 July 2011

How to Impress Others

15 Surefire Ways to Impress Others

More often than we would care to admit, the desire to impress others motivates our lives. This desire to impress others impacts the care we drive, the clothes wear, the technology we embrace, and the careers we choose,

Unfortunately, it is often elusive. Cars rust. Fashion changes. Technology advances. And the purchases that impressed your neighbour yesterday make no impression today. As a result, we live our lives with out-of-style clothes, jobs that we hate, skyrocketing personal debt, and jealousy toward our neighbour who seems to have it all... until that unquenchable desire to impress begs us to begin the cycle again.

The hard truth is we often look to impress others in all the wrong places.

Take a moment and identify the people in your life truly impress you. What is it about their life that inspires you? Make a list Very rarely (if ever) is it the car that they drive or the size of their home. Most often, the people that truly inspire us possess the invisible, intangible qualities that we all desire.

To that end, consider this list of 15 intangible, Surefire ways to Impress Others: 

1. Be Generous. Regularly give your time, energy, and money to others without expecting anything in return. The giving of your life to another is one of the most impressive things you can ever do.

2. Laugh Often. Be that person that routinely laughs at other's jokes and stories. It concretely communicates that you enjoy life and their company. They'll be impressed and you'll be a more joyful person.

3. Be Optimistic. Always, always, always focus on the good aspects of people and situation. Sometimes you have to look harder than others, but you'll always be glad you did.

4. Love Your Kids. And by love your kids, I mean genuinely like them too. being with them spending time with them, and investing in their lives. This love towards children will be evident in your life even when they aren't around. 

5. Be Faithful to Your Spouse. Marital fidelity is going out of style too quickly these days. Stay faithful to to the one you chose. Trust me, your friends and colleagues will be impressed... not to mention your partner.

6. Develop Your Strengths. I am impressed by good singers, authors, writers, architects, speakers, CEO's, computer programmers, mothers, and athletes (just to name a few). There is only one thing they all have in common: They discovered their strengths and developed them with great discipline. Do the same with your unique giftedness and temperament. And regardless of the profession you choose, you will impress.

7.  Travel. See the world. You will change and be better because of it.

8. Appreciate Different Opinions. While there is nothing wrong being dogmatic in your beliefs, a healthy appreciation of how others came to theirs is definitely an impressive quality.

9. Love Your Life. Don't fail into the trap of living life everyone else. Avoid television and consumerism. Embrace your passions and find enjoyment in your life. The people around you will be impressed... and jealous.

10. Encourage More. Living your life in competition with those around you will never impress. After all, everyone else is already doing that. Change the world by being different. Seek to encourage and lift up others. And the person who benefits the most just may be you.

11.  Love Nature. People who exhibit care for the physical word around us exhibit care for all humanity.

12. Listen Intently. Eyes focused. Ears tuned. Call phone off. In a world that can't move fast enough, someone who can find time to listen is as rare as a precious jewel... and far more valuable.

13. Be Modest. You are special, unique, and gifted. And the less you make an effort to tell everyone that, the more they will notice.

14. Be Content. A content life is enjoyable, desirable, and admirable. Those who don't have it, desire it. And are impressed with those who have.

15. Don't Live to Impress. Live to Inspire. Give up your desire to impress everyone you meet. But never give up your desire to inspire everyone you meet.

Of coursee greatest thing about this list that you already possess everything you need to inspire others. So why not get started? Stop trying to impress others with the things that you own and begin inspiring them by the way you live your life.

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Tuesday, 5 July 2011

10 Ways to Impress Others When You Speak

1. Be the message. You must exemplify the principles, values, and ideas that you talk about in order to have credibility urging others to adopt them.

2. Think like the audience. Present your ideas from the viewpoint of how they will find them most useful. Realize that think that work for you, may depend upon your situation. Thus, customize new techniques to the world that your audience lives in.

3. Be original. Create your own cartoon and humor. tell your own stories. Use your own activities. Stealing from others is unethical, illegal, and just plain wrong. You can be used by the author (or cartoonist) for using copyright materials, such as cartoons from the newspaper. And you could find that your presentation follows one with the original versions of material that you planned to use.

4. Create a safe environment. People learn best when they feel safe to experiment and try new ideas. Treat everyone with respect. Never damage anyone in the audience, even if this person seems to be disrupting your presentation.

5.  Be ethical. Cite reference for published information. Obtain a license and pay royalties if you must use copyright materials. Realize that other speakers (authors, cartoonist, humorists, entertainers, etc.) depend upon their materials for their livelihood.

6. Let people discover and experience new ideas. Adults learn by applying what they are  being taught. It makes learning more permanent and enjoyable.

7. Be authentic. That is, be yourself, without pretence, without gimmicks, and without theatrics, people can recognize a fake easily. And when they find one, they leave.

8. Leave the audience impressed with themselves. Create opportunities for people to be funny, clever, or correct. Feed the audience set up lines that lead them into being the stars  in your program. Ask question that let them show off what know. this facilities adult learning by making people feel special, which opens their minds to new ideas.

9. Keep it simple. People benefit most from techniques that they can use now.

10. Speak to them about them. Everyone finds their own story they most interesting. If you tell your story. then take them with you by including them in your story. Help them experience what you felt, discover as you learned, and celebrate as had won.