How to Get Back My Ex-Boyfriend

My Boyfriend Broke up With Me And I Want Him Back

Is this you? Trying to get back your ex-boyfriend but don't know how to do?
have you lost contact, lost hope and feel like he's slipping further and away? Does everything you try seem to fail? Is your ex-boyfriend ignoring you, or not answering your calls?

Want To Know Exactly How To Win Your Ex-Boyfriend?

Like anything else, getting back an ex-boyfriend is a totally learnable skill. Just as you can learn how to get a man in the first place, you can also learn how to get him back after an unwanted breakup.

It doesn't matter how long ago your relationship ended, or how your break up happened. Because you had an emotional connection, there will always be a path that leads back into your ex-boyfriend's heart.

Remember How It Used To Be?

Remember the very beginning of your relationship? The excitement of falling in love... the feelings and sparks you both felt whenever were together?

Well what if it could be like that again? What if you could bring back the magic felt when you first got together, and then use that same magic to make your ex-boyfriend fall for you all over again? Restoring those emotions is a critical part of getting your boyfriend back.

Can I Make Him Want Me Back If We're Not Even In Contact?

Yes, and it's a lot easier than you might think. Your ex's feelings for you didn't disappear overnight, just because he broke things off. The emotional bonds he felt - and feels - for you can be played upon, drawing theme out creating a scenario in which your ex-boyfriend start missing you again.

Lack of communication after a break doesn't necessarily mean a lack of interest. You need to chose the right place and the right time to reconnect with an ex-boyfriend, and this is a tremendous part of successfully getting him back. Wait too long to get back in touch, and you could lose him to another girl. Move too fast or pressure him too much, and you could push you ex-boyfriend away.

What Can I Do To Make My Ex-Love Me Again?

Guys generally do this because it's much easier to ignore feelings of attachment than it is to deal with or work through them. In time he knows those feelings will fade away, but for now he's content to leave theme on a shelf. After he broke up with you, your boyfriend tried to bury his feelings. To make the break up stick, he pushed those feelings to the side chose to ignore them. 

Getting your ex back is as easy as uncovering those same emotions. Using simple triggers, you can create a need for you in your ex-boyfriend's life again. And why is it so easy? Because those emotional bonds are still there.

Learn which techniques can revers yours situation and get your ex to start chasing you.

What If My Ex Already Has a New Girlfriend? Is It Over?

Not by a long shot, specially if you shared relationship. If your boyfriend already started dating someone else after ending, chances are good his feelings for you are still intact.

More than three-quarters of all rebound relationship never make it past six weeks. During this time there are subtle ways to reconnect with your ex, using reinsertion technique designed to get him to forget his new love interest and feel the overwhelming desire to be with again.

Learn How to Get Your Ex-boyfriend Back!

He's could.. he's indifferent.. your ex hasn't called you or returned your message. Hour by hour you fell him slipping away, and you're not sure where to even start it comes to getting your boyfriend back.

Is this where you're at right now? If so, chin up. We all get dumped at one time or another, and everyone goes through this scenario. Thousand of couples break up every single day, but many thousand of couple also get back together again. In this there's hope. "After I break up with guy, the last thing I want do is hear from his.
Every conversation is geared toward getting back together, and most guy won't take no for an answer."

The good news right now is that no matter happened to end your relationship, there's always a way to get your ex back.

I want you to stop and think about that for a second. Close your eyes and picture yourself standing in an empty field, a mile away from your ex boyfriend.

Now imagine a thousand different paths leading away from you in all different direction. These represent the many roads you can take to get him back. Most of theme lead you away from your ex, and eventually dead end. But a precious few of theme? They lead right back in your boyfriend's arms.

Knowing which path to take will determine whether you win your ex-boyfriend back or lose him for good. Walk down the wrong path for too long, and you're actually going to push him away. But chose the right one, at the right time? Not only will the two of you get back together, but you can greatly accelerate the process.

The greatest advantage you have right now is knowledge. Just as you can get good at meeting and dating people, you can also get good at halting and reversing a break up. It's a completely learnable skill, and the more you know about your ex's current mindset? The better your chance and doing the right things.

In the end, getting your ex-boyfriend back is all about timing. Not only do you need to choose the path, but you need to walk it at just the right tempo. Moving too fast can send your ex running in the opposite direction. Not moving at all however, can cause the opposite problem: eventually, your ex will lose interest altogether.

Knowing where to start is extremely important. There are some fast methods and techniques for taking your first steps on the right path. 
Learn these tips before making a single move in your ex-boyfriend's direction. 

Avoiding The Biggest Post-Breakup Mistakes

The opening stage of your break up are most crucial of times. What you do (or don't do) right now will determine the overall scope and difficulty of your break up. You can run into big problems here, as most people don't immediately realize this. They do so many thinks early on just for the sake doing something-anything at all - to get their exes back. 

Mistakes during this time period are magnified, and this is a very big danger. You'll want to do anything and everything to prevent your break up from continuing, but as it happens, the more you do to fix things the worse the situation becomes.

Right after your boyfriend breaks up with you, you're at your emotionally weakest. Your head is spinning with thousand of thoughts and ideas, and your mouth can't get them out fast enough. It's very easy to act before thinking things through.

What To Do If break Up Already Happened 

If you've been broken up for a while now, above advice may seem a little bit late. Agreeing with the break up might not seem like an option at this point, specially if you initially fought against your boyfriend's decision to end things.

Luckily, it's not too late to take the same kind of action. There are still ways to detaching yourself from the relationship and letting your ex know that you've both accepted and agreed with the break up. Learning this simple but unique trick can totally help put you on the right track.

Even if you have not talked to your ex in while, this type of approach once again opens the door. It allows you to recapture your ex's attention and let him know that you've finally moving away in an opposite direction.

Other Opening Moves For Getting Your Boyfriend Back

When it comes to knowing what to do after a break up, you've got many options. Your first actions however, are probably the most crucial. For this reason alone, you don't want any early mistakes.


  1. When I eventually found testimonies about this spell caster great zula, how he helped many people to get their lover back, i contacted him through his email address because I was absolutely desperate to get my husband back. Life without my husband was a real mess for me and my children. i wanted a dramatic change and I thought magic could be the solution. After discussing the resolution with great zula, he gave me hope that he will restore my marriage. I felt confident that he will actually make my husband to return home and he did! It’s fantastic what great zula have done for me. his help is priceless! I don't know what I would have done without great zula, great zula does his job so well he is organized and highly functional, i believe he is the best spell caster i can count on when it comes to love spell, I was floored that his spells worked Thanks!


  2. This is my testimony, this is the greatest spell caster on the internet, i stumbled on this email address few days ago, so i emailed about my condition and how my lover left me how he was with another girl, He told me it would take 3days to get my ex back to me With great zula's love spell, my ex called me 3 days after the work. He spoke to me nicely, asking me if we could try things out again. He broke up with the other girl and came back to me my lover and I rekindled and got back together. I am now the most lucky woman in the world because my lover pampers me with all his love, care and attention. great zula was my last hope and after all the spell casters I tried before, he was my last chance, and he kept his promise! My lover told me such a touching worlds last week! that he loves me and will never live me again! I really feel I’m living again! Thanks great zula for making all this possible great zula is wonderful.

  3. Just few months ago i was going through same relationship issues/misunderstanding with my husband, we have been married for over 6 years it was indeed sweet and sometimes late last year it was so terrible because my husband started cheating on me and was looking for a way to divorcing me, we broke-up before 3 months after and we came back again first quarter of this year, just last month he completely left me with our two kids behind without saying a word. i was so confused wondering what could have went wrong. In the past we both attended couples of marital counseling/seminars and lastly i decided on a therapist but to no avail, i love this man and i want him back so desperately if not because of myself but for the kids sake they will miss him and i don't know how i could explain things to their understanding. I read a post comment online how a Los Angeles based journalist find true love after 9 year of relationship heartbreaks and she got married immediately few weeks after Dr.Oduduwa lunched a spell for her to find true love and get married.i was fortunate enough to have access to the personal email address of the Spiritual healer and a Love-spell caster.
    I love my husband so much. I couldn't have done anything to hurt him or make him feel bad anymore..i just wanted him back to loving me forever. so i send a message to Oduduwa email address i copied on the blog post comment. i explain my relationship situation to oduduwa and he promised to help me bring my husband back home. i gave it a try because there is nothing else i could have done to bring him back home immediately in a short period of time. so surprisingly i received a phone call from my husband after 3 months he left home without a word or message, i was so happy and i quickly picked up he phone call and he assured me that he will be coming over the next day, lo and behold he came back home yesterday apologizing, but above all i am happy today he is back home to me and our lovely kids, this is my greatest joy of the year. I do not really care what means it get done but i believe that i didn't even spend much money as people may think. I just follow Oduduwa instructions and i did what sacrifice or spelling process it takes was all done on my behalf. now as i am talking with you now i and my husband both living happily together forever.i love him so much. My point is, he was my first love (at least that’s what it feels like) and i did everything humanly possible to bring him back home by the help and assistance from Oduduwa the native spiritual healer.

    i'm grateful and thankful to Oduduwa great man. I was at first having fear of doubt, but i give it a try and it work for my good. I'm certain this will work for you as well,100% sure.

    here is his personal mobile WhatsApp number: +79268011965

    Email: (
